Welcoming Guests

Text By Kate Sullivan
Photos By Slow Roads

A wonderful mix of traditions and cultures meet this time of year. When styling our guest room, we talked at length about a seasonal refresh that doesn’t consign to a specific holiday. We’re also expecting family and friends well into the new year so we want to ensure the look lasts beyond the holiday season.  


We thought the result was a solid example of building on a foundational style (collected, worldy, textural) by adding natural elements to create warmth. We decided not to mess with color. Here we maintain the green accents which served us well in spring and summer, but made 3 simple changes:


Lighting is always the first element that is adjusted seasonally in our space. In winter, candles play a bigger role and dimmers rest on lower settings. For the guest room, we added an earthly terracotta light with a warm glow bulb.






Comfort should be an enveloping sensation. To give this feeling to guests, we draped a beautiful Icelandic sheepskin on the chair. The fur is long, soft and super dense. You sink right into it.







Pillows are the ultimate, low barrier transformation tool. We added these large, luxurious heaps to the bed. They are made of coats from Austrian mountain sheep and are literal mounds of softness for your guests.  


These subtle changes really amped up the room’s cozy factor. While we appreciate a radical transformation, you don't need to go from cobalt to crimson to create a welcoming space for winter. Our focus on nature and texture felt like just enough.