Anet Nude Painting
✓ Art & Sculpture
✓ One of a kind
✓ One of our favorites
Large figure painting of a reclined nude woman with a soft, serene expression and pose. Purchased from an artist's estate in Rochester, NY, this painting features a bold palette. Neutral tones of umber and peach sit next to bright orange, rust, sage green and navy. Layers of textiles and patterns are simplified, and are set in ambiguous planes. Handmade pine frame. The back is signed Amelia Costigan. A great piece, one of our favorite finds.
One of a kind.
Origin: New York, United States
Manufacturing: Oil
Material: Canvas
Condition: Good. Wear and inconsistencies are unique to the original item.
Dimensions: Art size: 40” by 26”. Framed size: 41” by 26.5”.
All artwork is final sale